Beverly Lockhart
Founder and Apostle
Beverly Lockhart
Beverly, Founder/Apostle (Ordained Minister), walks alongside leaders to equip them to walk out their mission according to God’s word, speaking into individuals and groups through discussion topics such as God’s love, faith, trust, walking out the Christian life, and seeking Him first in the marketplace.
Beverly has served in Ministry Leadership for over 40 years impacting the lives of many through counseling, salvation, healing, deliverance and bringing wholeness to broken spirits, becoming a Spiritual Mother to men and women around the globe. God uses her life experiences and spiritual gifts to minister to those that are lost, broken and need Christ. She is blessed to be a Protector over God’s children globally, including being an advocate for biblical justice issues such as domestic violence, abortion, and human trafficking, as well as unity among churches and culture reconciliation.
God continues to send Apostle Beverly to those He protects by carrying the Gospel and making disciples, giving her the gifts of discernment, wisdom, revelation, healing, deliverance, counsel, comfort, exhortation, and encouragement. Through her anointing, Beverly raises up other leaders who will fiercely love in His name. Beverly is a vibrant, strong, and powerful anointed Woman of God whose presence is known to bring about climate change in the atmosphere; literally a sense of God’s peace, hope, love, joy, and harmony fill the atmosphere be it in the marketplace, a ministry setting, or in relationships with individuals.

Ms. Beverly is a connection to the life giving conduit of Christ that is like no other. When you reach out to her you know that not only are you being prayed for but that your thoughts, ideas, and questions are being bounced off a spiritual springboard that will guide you to make more wise choices in your business and personal life. She is not only a believer of the Lord but she is a friend who is safe, non-judgmental, caring, and funny. These are all characteristics of someone who I want on my team.
Ms. Beverly will not make decisions for you but she will walk alongside you through your journey whether it be long or short, business related or personal. When I was beginning my business I had the vision and the plan already penned down. I brought it to Ms. Beverly and she helped me to bring it to life on a deeper level than just the menial tasks that it takes to get a business off the ground. She breathed spirit into me as an individual but also into the business with a focus on following my calling to serve the Lord with excellence in my field.
EntrepreneurPregnancy Resource Center of Charlotte has been the recipient of Beverly’s giftedness in the specific areas of unwavering prayer support and encouragement. Beverly has the gift of exhortation. She is an encourager and traits of her giftedness have been felt in her spiritual counseling role with staff (serving as a good listener, helping with staff development to foster greater emotional and spiritual health, and in being a consistent spiritual cheerleader). Beverly cheers on the PRC team as they walk in faith, whatever circumstances they face.
. . . Beverly lives to make it known that spiritual growth requires that we encourage each other. In 1 Thessalonians 3:2, Paul tells the persecuted church in Thessalonica that he is sending them Timothy, who will strengthen and encourage them in their faith. In a similar way, Beverly helps ignite the faith of others at PRC who are feeling discouraged. She helps us provoke each other to grow spiritually. As believers, we are also called to motivate others to righteousness and holy living, and to help restore their perspective by giving them God’s Truth.
Erin Forsythe